Affordable Housing Forum

I joined Lee Evans MP, Member for Heathcote, at Engadine Uniting Church’s affordable housing forum.

With representatives from the community and government sectors we covered a lot of issues.

Housing is critical to meeting the basic needs of our society. It should provide safety, security, privacy, a place to sleep, eat, raise a family and when necessary, to escape from the world.

All levels of safe and affordable housing need to be addressed - social, key workers’, crisis and emergency housing. 

Private home ownership is also part of the housing continuum. It also needs to be addressed.  It is harder than ever to purchase a home in Australia.

At a federal level, government can incentivise state and local governments to address the 2 crucial issues - land supply and the deposit for the purchase.

Allowing Australians to access their own savings (their superannuation) to use as a deposit would be the most immediate and effective way to assist first home buyers.


Certification of Appreciation - Lance-Corporal Terry Doyle


Sutherland Hospital Pathology Lab