Health Legislation Amendment Bill 2024
This entire legislation is essentially an omnibus of health measures following legislative changes in the course of this parliament. The provisions relate to the effective administration of health benefit schemes—in particular, the power to detect, respond to, investigate, disclose and deter misconduct, fraud and noncompliance. It is intended that this bill will amend a number of acts, including the Health Insurance Act, the National Health Act, the Human Services (Medicare) Act, the Dental Benefits Act, the Therapeutic Goods Act and the Public Health (Tobacco and Other Products) Act.
Hughes Electorate
I want to thank the electorate of Hughes for voting me in in 2022. I had six weeks and a profile that wasn't as well known as it could have been, and I am extremely grateful, because it has been the greatest privilege of my life to be able to represent and serve my community in the federal parliament. During this time, I think as we all do, we start to reflect. I had a redistribution in October, which has meant that I have lost some suburbs, such as Oyster Bay, Grays Point, Kirrawee and other parts that I have really enjoyed representing.
New South Wales: Infrastructure
After two years and nine months, this Labor government, led by Prime Minister Albanese, has totally failed on infrastructure in New South Wales, particularly in south-western Sydney.
Criminal Code Amendment (Hate Crimes) Bill
What does this have to do with the legislation that is currently before us, the Criminal Code Amendment (Hate Crimes) Bill? Well, this bill has been brought in because of the attacks on Jewish Australians and the rise of antisemitism in this country. At the moment, those attacks, vile in nature, have been on our Jewish Australians.
Cost of Living
I rose to speak on the matter of public importance today, which is the collapse in Australia's living standards under this government, and I thank the member for Hume for bringing this very important matter before the House.
Aged Care Legislation Amendment Bill 2024
There is one thing that every single Australian has in common, and that is: every single Australian has had a parent. And so whether or not it is us here as policymakers, thinking about how we care for the aged and how we legislate for effective aged care.
Child Care
After two years and nine months of this Albanese Labor government, the cost of child care has increased by a whopping 22.3 per cent. During the last election campaign, Anthony Albanese promised cheaper child care.
I have said in this place a couple of times how proud I am of my first-born son, who has just commenced a plumbing apprenticeship. I am certainly very supportive of the skills and training sector. The issue that I have, though, with the government's approach to this sector is that it only ever talks about TAFE.
The failure on housing policy completely demonstrates that the Albanese Labor government stands for nothing and has not addressed any of the crucial elements that really affect and matter in the lives of Australians. Homeownership is one of those. If, over on that side, they were serious about really addressing housing affordability, they would have looked at our policies and agreed to them, or at least had a bipartisan approach, as the member for Fraser has just said.
Services Australia
We are not seeing the service delivery for those public servants that have been employed. We have no objection to there being more public servants, but public servants are here to deliver services, at the end of the day.
Inner Wheel Australia
Inner Wheel is an international women's organisation that creates friendship, service and understanding between its members.
Student Debt
We have seen escalating student debt as a direct consequence of Labor's high inflation and economic mismanagement. Labor is now proposing to change the way HELP indexation is calculated to the lower of the wage price index or the consumer price index. It changes how the HELP indexation is recalculated and backdates that indexation formula for two years.
I am proud that I will have the chance going into the next election to have the opportunity to serve these communities in this place. I want to work with the people of south-west Sydney to get south-west Sydney back on track.
As 2024 marks 40 years since the introduction of Medicare, this is an appropriate time for us as Australians to acknowledge that Medicare has been transformative in the area of public health. But it is also an opportunity for us to look at how much better we can do in this space. I particularly want to talk about my electorate of Hughes, which is down in the Sutherland shire in southern Sydney and also now into south-west Sydney.
Online Safety Amendment (Social Media Minimum Age) Bill 2024
This is legislation that is completely necessary for us to change the course for our young people. This legislation broadly aims to set a minimum age of 16 for Australians to hold social media accounts. It requires age-restricted social media companies to take reasonable steps to prevent age-restricted users from having an account with their social media platform.
New South Wales State Emergency Service
I rose to acknowledge and thank the men and women of New South Wales State Emergency Service. Our SES volunteers are often the first on the spot to assist our firies with bushfires, they rescue people in storms, they are out there in all of the elements, and they are volunteers.
Cost of Living: Fertility Rate
In October of this year, the Government Centre for Population released its research policy and paper 'Fertility decline in Australia: is it here to stay?' That had some very troubling statistics in it and some very troubling news for us, as a country, going forward. Essentially, the paper provides that fertility rates in Australia continue to decline—they have continued to decline over the past 2½ years under this Albanese Labor government.