Inner Wheel Australia
Ms WARE (Hughes) (16:42): Inner Wheel is an international women's organisation that creates friendship, service and understanding between its members. It has clubs in over 100 countries, with over 100,000 members. Inner Wheel was originally founded in Manchester for the wives and daughters of Rotarians, although no Rotary connection is now required. If you think about the Rotary symbol, there is a wheel and inside it is a smaller wheel. That is the 'inner wheel'.
Inner Wheel Australia has a major national project to promote core blood research, known as Read the Red. Last week, I had the privilege of meeting with the Inner Wheel Club of Liverpool Combined, led by Renata Lockwood as their president. Liverpool Inner Wheel is currently fundraising for a variety of local organisations, including Lifeline Macarthur and Western Sydney. We discussed many things of interest to south-west Sydney but particularly the lack of infrastructure funding, particularly the fact that this government has unfortunately taken away the rail and road infrastructure funding intended to link the south-west of Sydney to the Western Sydney Airport and then onto Bradfield City. We also discussed the cost-of-living crisis, which is really impacting south-west Sydney, as well as the cost-of-housing crisis. Inner Wheel Liverpool is certainly doing their bit to combat these crises.