Jessica Plater Jessica Plater


My question is to the Minister for Housing. KPMG urban economist Terry Rawnsley says there are 16,400 dwellings in Sydney approved, but not yet commenced—the highest number in four years. Yet the government's own budget papers say an extra 1.5 million people will come to Australia over five years. When will the minister finally admit that Labor has no plan to house its big Australia?

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Jessica Plater Jessica Plater


I spoke on this matter of public importance, and I commended the member for Wannon for bringing this matter to the House's attention. It's particularly concerning to read that we're going to have an additional 1.5 million migrants, but this is in conjunction with, in the other place, the Greens rejecting the Albanese Labor government's housing plan on this very day. We'll have 1.5 million additional immigrants, and where are they going to live?

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Jessica Plater Jessica Plater


I thank the member for Reid for many of her remarks. I note that she has spoken about acting and Logie awards. I would just draw the House's attention and the member for Reid's attention to the Prime Minister's pledges that were made: household and business energy bills will be cut by $275—that's act 1; a real lasting plan for cheaper electricity and cheaper mortgages—that's act 2; Australians will be better off under a Labor government—that's act 3. When the current Prime Minister was opposition leader, he personally promised $275 power bill cuts no fewer than 97 times during the election campaign. Not only has the Prime Minister broken that promise; he refuses in question time to even answer any questions about power bills, and we saw that again today.

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Jessica Plater Jessica Plater


My question is to the Prime Minister. Prime Minister, you promised Australians cheaper mortgages, but after 10 interest rate rises in a row on your watch the average borrower is now paying 62 per cent more in repayments than in 2020 and in almost half of New South Wales postcodes the average repayment is more than 40 per cent of median income. Prime Minister, why do Australians always pay more under Labor?

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Jessica Plater Jessica Plater


I spoke on the motion—particularly, on the government's purported Housing Australia Future Fund, which, after so many months, has still failed to pass into legislation.

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Jessica Plater Jessica Plater


As the Prime Minister has recently reminded us, it has now been 10 months since the Albanese government came to power. In the lead-up to the election in May last year, Labor made many promises. The Prime Minister recently said that Australia has had 'a very good 10 months'. I am yet to meet any Australian who has said to me that the last 10 months have been good.

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Jessica Plater Jessica Plater

ADJOURNMENT - New South Wales State Election

The Perrottet government has set the benchmark across the Commonwealth on how to govern and on how deliver state government services. The Perrottet government has delivered on infrastructure.

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Jessica Plater Jessica Plater


The Prime Minister's claimed that Australians have had a pretty good 10 months, but I'm yet to have any Australian, besides maybe some of those that sit opposite us, saying to me that they have had a pretty good 10 months. Nobody in my electorate of Hughes has come to me to say, 'I've had a really good 10 months', or even a pretty good 10 months.

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Jessica Plater Jessica Plater

BILLS - Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security and Other Legislation Amendment (Modernisation) Bill 2022 - Second Reading

I spoke on the Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security and Other Legislation Amendment (Modernisation) Bill 2022. This legislation relates to the way our intelligence and security agents operate. I take this opportunity to endorse the words spoken by the member for Braddon today in this place and thank all those who serve our country through working in our intelligence and security agencies.

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Jessica Plater Jessica Plater

CONSTITUENCY STATEMENTS - Multiple Birth Awareness Week

This week is Multiple Birth Awareness Week. It was fabulous to see the Australian Multiple Birth Association in Parliament House yesterday. I also recently met with the new president of SSMBA, Lauren Smith, and I commend her for her leadership of this important community organisation.

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Jessica Plater Jessica Plater


My question is to the Prime Minister. On Sunday 12 March, Caruso's Italian Restaurant, an institution in the Sutherland Shire, was forced to close its doors permanently. Owners Rocky and Kerrin Pitarelli have cited rising electricity costs, rising labour costs and staff shortages as reasons for their closure. Prime Minister, why do Australian families and businesses always pay more under Labor?

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