STATEMENTS BY MEMBERS - St George and Sutherland Community College


Date: 24 May 2023

Ms WARE (Hughes) (13:45): I rise to speak about St George and Sutherland Community College at Jannali in my electorate of Hughes. This college is a community based not-for-profit organisation that delivers nationally recognised qualifications in business and community services to both domestic and international students. I was recently taken through the college by CEO Bernadette Mills and met with students, staff and teachers, all passionate about the work they each undertake at the college.

St George and Sutherland Community College provides disability services through work opportunities through their Trove shop. It provides international education and training in community services, mental health, childhood education and aged care. It is a leading provider of vocational education and training in southern Sydney. Through its Work Skills program it delivers accredited courses in the community service and business sectors. Its leisure sector provides over 250 courses for fun and to simply expand hobbies.

The college is also a leading provider of English language and literacy tuition for the workplace and everyday life. Particularly, the college has former school students, victims of the COVID pandemic, who did not ever return to the classroom. The college is therefore providing an invaluable social service to these students, to ensure they are not lost forever from the education system. I commend the excellent work of St George and Sutherland Community College.


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