
Date 7 Mar 2023

Ms WARE (Hughes) (15:01): My question is to the Prime Minister. Before the election, the Prime Minister promised a $275 drop in power bills. That didn't work, so he passed laws on 12 December 2022 that he promised will actually be deflationary by reducing peoples' power bills next year. Where are the Australians who have had a reduction in their power bills? Doesn't this show just how out of touch the Prime Minister is with ordinary Australians?

Mr ALBANESE (Grayndler—Prime Minister) (15:01): I'm asked about the promises that we made before the election. Can I say this: we did promise to create more fee-free TAFE places, and we delivered. We promised a national anticorruption commission, and we delivered. We promised 10 days paid family and domestic violence leave, and we delivered. We promised to legislate for net zero, and we delivered. We promised to establish a robodebt royal commission, and we just heard from the minister a powerful reading into Hansard of the very real evidence of people who were the victims of robodebt.

I acknowledge that people are doing it tough. Global inflation means that it has an impact, particularly the less income and funds that you have. That's why the government has put in place measures, including cheaper medicines, cheaper child care and fee free TAFE. That is why we have put in energy price relief. That is why we're taking the action that we are. That is why we have a responsible budget policy of relief, repair and restraint.

Mr Violi interjecting

The SPEAKER: The member for Casey will cease interjecting.

Mr ALBANESE: We want to take pressure off inflation, but those opposite stand in the way of all of the measures that we are putting in place.


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