St Pats Baseball Club


Date: 16 September 2023


Ms WARE (Hughes): I rise as a softball and baseball tragic to speak about one of the greatest sporting clubs in my electorate, that of St Pats Baseball Club. Sport brings our community together and provides essential physical and mental health benefits. My electorate plays a lot of sport, and that includes a lot of baseball. I was delighted that St Pats was recently a successful recipient of the 2023 Hughes electorate volunteers grant. I recently went out to the St Pats game against Illawong.

St Pats was formed in 1966. It is a volunteer-driven organisation, standing as a symbol of local community engagement and participation, teamwork, and all of the best that sport has to offer. The volunteer grant that St Pats Baseball Club obtained has enabled the club to enhance its facilities. This has included sunshades, groundskeeping equipment and professional development of its volunteers through coaching courses. This has created a far more enriching experience for the baseballers, both young and old, within my electorate and within St Pats Baseball Club. I had the privilege of making the first ceremonial pitch during the season-opening game between St Pats and the Illawong Marlins. Congratulations to St Pats Baseball Club and all of the volunteers associated with them.


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