Heathcote Oval Clubhouse Renewal/Upgrade

Help fund the upgrade to Heathcote Oval!

Heathcote Oval is a key recreational area for the Sutherland Shire, surrounded by the Royal National Park. Council has prepared a draft masterplan for Heathcote Oval to guide its future use. In the masterplan, Sutherland Shire Council proposed clubhouse and amenity upgrades.

Funding is required for this project to provide our local sporting community with modern, safe and accessible buildings to enable our community to be leaders in sports participation and performance. This project will provide a safe, welcoming and inclusive environment for everyone in the community to participate in sport as well as implement a gender equity action plan for women and girls.

That is why I am fighting for upgrades to storage, toilets, changerooms, canteens and other amenities that promote equitable access and usage of our sport facilities at Heathcote Oval.

With enough community support, we will be able to show the Albanese Labor Government that this is a much-needed project.

Please sign the below petition to join other local community members in calling for funding for this project.